Kaurihohore / Kamo Co-operating Parish
Sharing God’s love, creating hope, working for justice.
Our mission statement
In working together on our shared mission, we commit to the following values:
- Togetherness: we cultivate genuine opportunities to gather together in worship and fellowship.
- Humility: we recognise we do not have all the answers but are prayerfully journeying together as we try to seek them.
- Curiosity: we are committed to a life of learning, questioning, and exploring the mystery of God, Jesus, and the Bible.
- Love: we are committed to selfless love to all, including those marginalised by society and the wider church.
- Inclusiveness: we recognise the full equality of the entire human family to share in ministry, leadership, and worship, regardless of race, age, physical ability, neurodiversity, marital or economic status, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
- Justice: we hope for a better world for all and work together to be part of making that happen.
- Sustainability: we care for and strive to restore the integrity of the Earth and all of creation.
Sunday Services
10:00am every Sunday
All welcome
Contact Us
Kaurihohore Historic Church,
59 Apotu Road, Kaurihohore, Whangārei
Phone: (09) 946 0813
Email: [E-Mail not displayed]
Our Team
Presbyter: Rev Freddy De Alwis, Phone: 022 1588661
Church Office, Phone: 09 946 0813 to speak with the Administrator or to leave a message or email [E-Mail not displayed]
Please contact the following through the office:
Worship Team Convenor - Richard
Education Team Convenor - Richard
Pastoral Team Convenor - Rosalie
Community Team Liaison - Valerie
- Fellowship Group - Lois
- Girls Brigade - Kerry
Communication and Publicity Team Convenor - Mike
Property and Finance Team Convenor - Jane
Future Team Convenor - Mike
Service Sheet
October 2024
Service for Sunday 6 October - prepared by Richard Smith
Hymn: All People That On Earth Do Dwell
Hymn: Our Father in Heaven
Hymn: Send Us Your Spirit Lord (Tune: Great is Your Faithfulness)
Hymn: Now to Your Table Spread (Tune: Love Unknown)
Hymn: Brother, Sister, Let Me Serve You
September 2024
Service for Sunday 29 September - prepared by Eleanor Ashby
Reflection by Rev Glynn Cardy, Community of St Luke, Remuera, Auckland
Hymn: All Creatures of Our God and King
Hymn: For the Beauty of the Earth
Hymn: Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
Hymn: How Great Thou Art
Service for Sunday 22 September - prepared by Rev Freddy De Alwis
Hymn: Great Is Your Faithfulness
Hymn: Praise to the Lord Almighty
Hymn: Community of Christ
Hymn: God is Here As We His People
Hymn: This, This is the God We Adore
Service for Sunday 15 September - prepared by Kimberley Nielsen one of our Lay Preachers
Hymn: Song of Sky - Tune: Nettleton
Hymn: Your Love oh Lord
Hymn: Psalm 8 - Tune: Ode to Joy
Hymn: Oh God of Earth and Sea and Sky - Tune: Melita
Service for Sunday 8 September - prepared by Rosalie Gwilliam one of our Lay Preachers
Hymn: Let All The World In Every Corner Sing
Hymn: Church of God, Elect and Glorious
Hymn: Who'll Stand As Christ Today? (Tune Diademata)
Hymn: To God Be The Glory
Service for Sunday 1 September - prepared by Jane Garrick one of our Lay Preachers in training
Hymn: Community of Christ
Hymn: For the Beauty of the Earth
Hymn: Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
For copies of earlier services please contact our Parish Administrator - [E-Mail not displayed]